Vision and Philosophy

Statement of Purpose

India Bible College and Seminary develops men and women called by God to help bring all peoples of India and beyond to Jesus Christ.

India Bible College and Seminary teaches students to think clearly about the whole counsel of God and to effectively plant, pastor, and lead churches in all parts of India and beyond.

India Bible College and Seminary is a caring family of mentors and students who grow together in ministry skills and their walk with God.


Train Christ’s People to Fulfill His Great Command and Commission.


Proclaim Christ and build His church in all of India.

Core Values

  • Worshipof Triune God alone in spirit and truth
  • Biblethe living Word of God, authoritative and sufficient for all of life
  • Prayerboth speaking with God and hearing from God
  • Faithliving by faith, “attempting great things for God and expecting great things from God”
  • Life of the Bodyfellowship, teamwork and exercise of spiritual gifts
  • Resurrection Livingtransformation, continual renewal, godly creativity, innovation and excellence
  • Gracelove of neighbors near and far, shown in generosity, sensitivity, compassion, servanthood
  • Righteousnessspiritual, moral and academic integrity, personal and family stability, mutual accountability and simplicity