India Bible College and Seminary

Extension Program

The extension education studies is a three year degree program offering B.Th / Dip.Th, with a minimum of 32 courses/papers for private candidates. The candidates shall present themselves for all the required contact classes when and where they are conducted.

The IBC Extension Program is designed for those who have the desire to learn the Bible systematically but have no opportunity of going to a Bible college. The aim of this program is to equip the believers with sound biblical and theological knowledge so that they may become partners in God’s mission. The courses prepared will help the students to be scripturally and academically sound, oriented towards ministry and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


  • Bachelor of Theology (English)Entry Requirements: Higher Secondary Education (+2/PDC/12th Pass)
  • Diploma in Theology (Malayalam)Entry Requirements: Secondary Education (SSLC/10th Pass)
Contact Class

The program is designed for three years during which the candidate must complete all course requirements. However, registration for the program will be effective for five years, within which all the examinations must be cleared. If any paper is pending beyond that, the candidate must register afresh.

The college will conduct contact classes before the commencement of each semester examination. The dates for the same will be announced in advance.

The college will conduct examinations each semester and the grades will be sent to the candidates. For those unable to come to IBC & Seminary, the examination can be arranged at approved regional centers on special requests from the candidates.

Each course will have two graded assignments. The course syllabus will specify details regarding the same.

Application Form

  • India₹ 100/-
  • Gulf Countries₹ 200/-
  • USAUS$ 15/-

Course Fee

  • India₹ 500/-
  • Gulf Countries₹ 1,000/-
  • USAUS$ 50/-

India Bible College & Seminary will provide the notes for each course.

The fee per course is listed above. 

For the notes, the fee is to be sent to the office in advance.

Grading System

The progress of study will be indicated by a numerical/letter grade as follows

First Class Second Class Third Class
A+ (80% and above) B+ (65%) C+ (50%)
A (75%) B (60%) C (45%)
A- (70%) B- (55%) C- (40%)

Grading system for final exam is 60% and internal assessment is 40%.

To graduate, all course requirements must be completed. Students who fail to score a minimum ‘C-’ grade for each course will have to retake that examination.

Application Form

Where to submit the application?

Duly filled applications must be mailed to:

Coordinator, Extension Program
India Bible College & Seminary,
Hebron, Kumbanad P.O.
Kerala – 689 547.

Tel: 0469-2657776, 9447039684

Bachelor of Theology Curriculum

A Detailed Study of the Gospel of John
A General Study of Pauline Epistles
Acts of the Apostles
Book of Hebrews
Christian Ethics
Cross-cultural Mission
Early Church History
Foundations of Church Growth
General Epistles
History and Doctrines of Pentecostal Churches
History of Israel
History of Reformation
Indian Church History
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Communication
Introduction to Mission and Evangelism
Introduction to the New Testament
Introduction to the Old Testament
Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles
Leadership and Church Administration
Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ
Major World Religions
Modern Religious and Secular Movements in India
Pastoral Care and Counseling
Poetic and Wisdom Literature
Study of Prophetical Books
Systematic Theology

Diploma in Theology Curriculum

A Detailed Study of the Gospel of John
A General Study of Pauline Epistles
Acts of the Apostles
Book of Hebrews
Christian Ethics
Early Church History
History and Doctrines of Pentecostal Churches
History of Israel
Indian Church History
Introduction to Mission and Evangelism
Introduction to the New Testament
Introduction to the Old Testament
Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles
Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ
Major World Religions
Pastoral Care and Counseling
Poetic and Wisdom Literature
Study of Prophetical Books
Systematic Theology